How to Get Lambs Ready for the Show Ring

Spring lamb jackpot shows are right around the corner. By now, most young people should have their lambs purchased and on a good nutrition program to ensure the lambs are healthy and growing. But what about getting them ready for their first show and each show after that? Charlie Hild, part owner of Hild Bros […]

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How to Effectively Control Flies Around Your Livestock

It doesn’t matter which species of livestock you show, it seems like the smallest creatures can be the biggest nuisance. Yes, those pesky flies like to invade our barns, bite at our animals and can carry diseases. With proper prevention including good nutrition, you can inhibit those little pests from invading your space. Flies breed […]

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Getting and Keeping Show Animals White

As a former exhibitor of Hereford cattle, I have many fond (or not so fond) memories of my dad coaching me on “washing white.” And as a 10-year-old girl, what I thought was white enough never was quite good enough for Dad. No matter what species you show, keeping show animals white and bright is […]

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4 Tips for Getting Sheep Ready for Jackpot Shows

Jake Warntjes, BioZyme® Area Sales Manager, and his brother, Nick Warntjes, have shown and raised their fair share of club lambs. Today they have the opportunity to help other junior livestock enthusiasts with their lamb projects. By following these simple tips you’ll be on track to #preptowin. Hydration is key. When preparing to leave for […]

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Dealing with Bloat in Show Cattle

Bloat in show cattle is one of the worst things to deal with. When cattle bloat it causes reductions in feed intake, slowed weight gain and in the worst-case situation, even death. When you are dealing with a chronic bloater, be sure to consult your veterinarian, the breeder that you bought your animal from and/or […]

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How to Clip the Head, Ears and Underline of Your Show Pig

Proper nutrition, hair and skin care and exercise are important to getting your show pig prospect ready for the next show. But don’t forget about clipping your pig. Clipping your pig can change the pig’s appearance and accentuate its muscularity, leanness and balance. Once you clip the body of your show pig next you need […]

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