How to Efficiently Exercise your Show Lambs and Goats

The purple banner. It’s every showman’s goal to walk out of the show ring with the royal purple banner, the sign of a champion. But that banner isn’t given freely. It takes work, dedication and the knowledge and effort of a proper nutrition and exercise regimen. In Dayton, Pa., there is a 13-year-old who has […]

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Ag Teacher Gives Advice on Commingling Show Prospects

For some people, getting new livestock show prospects is similar to seeing what is under the tree on Christmas morning. Families, students, advisors and teachers can and do spend countless hours studying young animals before deciding which ones to bring home to feed out for their respective show seasons. And then, they get them to […]

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Extremely Essential Products To Focus On Right Out Of The Gate

If you show livestock, you understand the frustration you feel when your animal goes off feed. Sure Champ® is proud to offer a product line that seeks to alleviate some of your frustration and keep animals on track; because if your animals aren’t eating, you’re not winning. “Keeping animal health and digestive health in the […]

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Mark That Card: Market Wethers

Thank you Cooper Bounds, Show and Sales Rep at Miller Boer Goats, for providing the officials. <br /> Placing: 1-3-4-2 Cuts: 2-5-4 ​I like the Market Goats 1-3-4-2.  Among the pair of truly elite parrot-mouthed wethers, the more exotic, black-headed wether is simply the hardest to make.  Not only is he the roundest bodied option that feeds the most radical and expressive shape […]

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How Nutrition Plays a Role in Raising 4-Legged Kids

With a 4-H project “gone mad” Kedrick Miller has devoted the last two decades to building his meat goat operation. Located in Thorntown, Ind., Miller along with his wife, Melissa and four kids focus their attention on raising high-quality Boer goats for youth livestock exhibitors. What started at as a 4-H project about 20 years […]

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Goat Nutrition 101

What ingredients make a “balanced feed ration” for my show goats? There are lots of ingredients that can make up a balanced feed ration. Perhaps what is more important than the types of ingredients, is the nutrient composition of the “balanced” feed ration. The nutrient composition consists of certain amounts of protein, energy, vitamins and […]

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