Picking the Perfect Show Lamb Prospect

Some people are born with the natural ability to pick out quality show livestock. Others develop the talent over time. Regardless of your current skill level, one thing that can help young livestock exhibitors trying to pick out their next show lamb prospect is to find out what the lamb’s parents look like and what […]

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Minimize Their Stress, Maximize Your Success

Stress. It is in our lives every day. Some stress can have a positive effect but more times than not we think of stress as something that causes a negative reaction to our bodies and minds. Just like humans, animals also experience their share of stress; however, they react differently to stress, often going off […]

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When Two Supplements Make a Winning Combination

You’ve invested a lot of time, effort and money into your show livestock to make sure they excel to their maximum potential. Ensuring they stay healthy and keep performing until they reach their endpoint is always a top priority. To maintain their health and performance make sure you are providing them with the best nutrition […]

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The Science Behind Feeding for Success: Consistency & Simplicity

Feeding your show livestock is part of a daily routine. But did you know there is a science behind that routine? It might seem convenient to feed your livestock twice a day, approximately 12 hours apart, but that routine plays into the consistency that animals rely on and need to keep their digestive tract working […]

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How to Maximize the Space in your Trailer

Packing a trailer for a show can feel like a life-size version of Tetris. You have a limited amount of space with a long list of show supplies, equipment and feed that you and your livestock will need when you reach your destination. It doesn’t take a high-level engineering class to figure out how to […]

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Show Mom Perspective: How to Equip your Show Lamb Project

For veteran cattle exhibitor-turned-show-mom Tiffani Stadtmiller, the lamb barn was new territory when her daughter McKenzie started showing lambs at just 4-years-old. But the mother-daughter duo has learned a lot in the last nine years, and Tiffani’s best piece of advice is: never be afraid to ask questions. “I think it’s pretty cool that she’s […]

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