Mark that Card: Wether Dams

Thank you Tim Hubbard and Northern Oklahoma College Livestock Judging Team for providing placings and officials for this class. Placing: 2-4-3-1 Cuts: 5-2-4 My placing of the breeding ewes is 2431. One look was all it took to recognize the unmatched quality of the stout featured 2 ewe to start. The roundest bodied, widest constructed ewe […]

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Mark that Card: Charolais heifers

Thank you Butler Community College Livestock Judging Team for providing placings and officials for this class. Placing: 3-4-1-2 Cuts: 2-5-3 I like the Charolais heifer calves 3-4-1-2. Elite quality is evident amongst the top pair of heifers, still I prefer 3 to sort past 4. The up headed heifer’s head shape, length and extension up […]

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Summer Opportunities

Summertime means warm sunny days, late nights in the barn preparing for summer shows and for many, no school. Yet even if you aren’t in the classroom every day, there are still chances to learn and grow as individuals. Summer is the perfect time to look for opportunities, whether it be a summer job, an […]

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Mark that Card: Limousin Heifers

Thank you Eastern Oklahoma State Livestock Judging Team for providing placings and officials for this class. Placing: 3-2-4-1  Cuts: 532 I like the Limousin heifers 3241. In a class where quality runs deep, I’m drawn to a pair of white flanked heifers who are more attractive from the side, and yet it’s 3’s unrivaled rib and […]

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Mark that Card: Hereford Bulls

Thank you Blinn Livestock Judging Team for providing placings and officials for this class. Placing:  2-1-3-4 Cuts: 5-2-5 I sort the Hereford Bulls 2134.  Look in on the 12th, it’s a good set. Even then, the red necked, conservative marked 2’s got to start. Breed basics of build and body will keep your cattle functional, […]

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Mark that Card: Angus Heifers

Thank you Kansas State Livestock Judging Team for providing placings and officials for this class. Placing:  1-2-3-4 Cuts: 4-3-2 1-2-3-4 is my ranking of the Angus Heifer Calves.  1’s blend of brood cow function, quality and performance establishes her as my winner.  Compared to 2, she’s more refined at the topside of her neck, lays […]

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